"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth." Psalm 60:4

Times of Refreshing: The Life and Work of Alexander Macleod

Times of Refreshing: The Life and Work of Alexander Macleod

Times of Refreshing: The Life and Work of Alexander Macleod


Price: £8.70

Alexander Macleod
Reformation Press
134 pages

When Alexander Macleod arrived on the Isle of Lewis in 1824, he found that spiritual ignorance and superstition reigned throughout the island. The Lord blessed his faithful labours in the large and scattered parish of Uig and a notable awakening took place. Within a few years, the religious condition of the Isle of Lewis had been transformed as other notable evangelical minsters joined Alexander Macleod to preach the gospel on the island.

This book contains edifying sermons, together with extracts from the diary he kept during the first years of his Uig ministry. His detailed description of the parish in 1833 gives us an idea of the setting in which he conducted his momentous ministry. The book also includes an interesting biography written by one of his contemporary ministers.