"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth." Psalm 60:4

The Power of Faith and Prayer (2nd Edition)

The Power of Faith and Prayer (2nd Edition)

The Power of Faith and Prayer (2nd Edition)


Price: £7.50

Samuel Rutherford
Reformation Press
116 pages

Samuel Rutherford (1600-1661) was one of the greatest preachers and theologians of Scotland. He is renowned as the writer of a most remarkable series of devotional letters- a religious classic full of rich spiritual nourishment. "The Power of Faith and Prayer" is a discourse on Matthew 9:27-31, which records the healing of two blind men who followed Christ and called upon him. Rutherford deals masterfully with two great matters which concern Christians- faith and prayer.

This extremely scarce book was published posthumously in 1713. Reformation Press first published it in 1993. This second edition contains extra notes to explain obscure and archaic terms and a foreword by Matthew Vogan tracing the origin of the book.

Please note: this is an introductory price for a limited time only. The regular price will be £8.85