"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth." Psalm 60:4

The Lord Our Shepherd

The Lord Our Shepherd

The Lord Our Shepherd


Price: £5.99

J. Douglas MacMillan
125 pages
All who attended the conference at which these addresses were delivered were immediately conscious that they were present at a unique occasion...Not only was the speaker a gifted preacher and an able expositor of the Word of God; prior to his call to the Christian ministry he had been a shepherd for 12 years. And he had taken Psalm 23 as his theme! Expectations were aroused. And they were not to be disappointed. It is a great joy to see these addresses...appearing in print. Christian doctrine must be translated into Christian experience, else it is arid and barren. That is the challenge, but also the comforting possibility, that the author holds before us in these addresses.