"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth." Psalm 60:4

The Life and Sermons of Edward D. Griffin

The Life and Sermons of Edward D. Griffin

The Life and Sermons of Edward D. Griffin


Price: £29.00

Edward D. Griffin
1192 pages
Edward Dorr Griffin (1770-1837) ministered in the remarkable era which, for forty years from 1792, saw a succession of powerful revivals in the north-east of the United States. At a time when thousands were being added to the kingdom of God, 'Probably the labors of no preacher were blessed to the conversion of more souls than were his' says Dr. Hopkins.
For insight into this era the biography of Griffin, together with his sermons, are of first importance. The able biography, by his contemporary, W. E. Sprague, not only traces his parish ministries and his presidency of Williams College ('birthplace of American missions') but it also brings into prominence the spiritual lessons which were largely to be forgotten by a later generation. Men - 'awed by the majesty of a present God' - are in the background. Here is no record of the production of converts by means of 'revivalism', but the outpouring of the Holy Spirit which as Griffin says of Newark, 'deluged the whole place', with no means used save 'clear and earnest presentation of Divine truth, and believing and persevering prayer'.
Griffin's sermons, even without the deep emotion which so accompanied their delivery, are fine examples of the simple, arresting and heart-searching preaching which was so used of God. The reprinting of these two volumes has been long overdue.