"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth." Psalm 60:4

Expository Lectures on the Book of Joshua

Expository Lectures on the Book of Joshua

Expository Lectures on the Book of Joshua


Price: £19.99

William G. Blaikie
Solid Ground Christian Books
424 pages
William G. Blaikie (1820-1899), who ministered in the Free Church of Scotland for 25 years before accepting the position of Professor of Apologetics and Pastoral Theology at the New College in Edinburgh, opens the text of Joshua in a way that brings this significant material to life. Wonderful application in every chapter.

"Few writers have bequeathed to posterity such a legacy of devout exposition and reverent scholarship as William Garden Blaikie. Towards the end of the nineteenth century, when Sir William Robertson Nicoll began work on The Expositor's Bible, he wisely invited Dr. Blaikie to contribute commentaries on the Book of Joshua and the Books of First and Second Samuel. Blaikie's studies of these portions of the Old Testament rank among the finest ever produced." - Cyril J. Barber