"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth." Psalm 60:4

Evolution: Good Science? Exposing the Ideological Nature of Darwin's Theory

Evolution: Good Science? Exposing the Ideological Nature of Darwin's Theory

Evolution: Good Science? Exposing the Ideological Nature of Darwin's Theory


Price: £7.00

Dominic Statham
160 pages
Using plain English, Dominic Statham explains the main arguments presented by evolutionists in support of their theory and shows that these have major flaws. He argues that much of the scientific data can actually be seen to be consistent with a biblical account of creation and history. He concludes that, rather than being scientifically driven, the theory of evolution is driven by a desire to justify the belief that life on earth arose by natural processes rather than by the hand of God.