"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth." Psalm 60:4

Commentary on Hebrews (Gouge)

Commentary on Hebrews (Gouge)

Commentary on Hebrews (Gouge)


Price: £35.99

William Gouge
552 pages
"We greatly prize Gouge. Upon any topic which he touches he gives outlines which may supply sermons for months." - C.H. Spurgeon. We are so grateful to Solid Ground Christian Books for reprinting Gouge's magnum opus, A Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews. This massive book, originally published in three volumes, contains the notes of more than a thousand sermons given over a thirty year period at Blackfriars. The first volume was published in 1655; Gouge was still working on the last half of the last chapter of Hebrews when he died. His son, Thomas, completed it, using his father's notes. It is a golden exposition of the fullness of Christ.