"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth." Psalm 60:4

Basic Greek and Exegesis: A Practical Manual that Teaches the Fundamentals of Greek and Exegesis, Including the Use of Linguistic Software

Basic Greek and Exegesis: A Practical Manual that Teaches the Fundamentals of Greek and Exegesis, Including the Use of Linguistic Software

Basic Greek and Exegesis: A Practical Manual that Teaches the Fundamentals of Greek and Exegesis, Including the Use of Linguistic Software


Price: £12.95

Richard B. Ramsay
143 pages
This practical manual teaches New Testament exegesis using Greek, but without requiring an extensive knowledge of the language. Becoming aware of the importance of serious Bible study, the student learns the fundamentals of Greek and the use of linguistic tools, including recent software. Finally, he prepares his own exegesis, following these guidelines.