"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth." Psalm 60:4

Consider Him: Meditations on the Sufferings and Death of the Lord Jesus Christ

Consider Him: Meditations on the Sufferings and Death of the Lord Jesus Christ

Consider Him: Meditations on the Sufferings and Death of the Lord Jesus Christ


Price: £4.50

Robert Hawker
134 pages
The Apostle Paul exhorted the Hebrew church to: "Consider him ...," the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Their consideration of him was to focus especially on his sufferings and death on behalf of sinners, with the intention that they might draw comfort and strength from their suffering Lord. In this short book are collected together a number of meditations written by Robert Hawker, a minister in the Church of England during the nineteenth century, that direct us to Christ in his humiliation, his sufferings in Gethsemane and at Calvary, through to his triumphant resurrection, and the benefits which flow to sinners from his death.